Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Life, the Universe and Most Things

I've drifted through life with the delusion that the Universe loves me. Anything I need just falls into my lap, I'm the luckiest guy on Earth. But, as so often happens, I started to believe my own bullshit. Now the Universe has come to get its own back.

But, it turns out, the Universe is a bit rusty when it comes to serving up cold karma. Instead of ending up out of a job, I've been offered my dream job the day after I signed on for a perfectly good job. I'm not sweeping streets, I'm not cleaning windshields, but I'm not developing intelligent agents for the Defence Department either.

What next? It almost feels as though I ended up making out with the chick rom True Blood in a nightclub, and the chick from Heroes walks in. Oh well. Next time. A job is a job, right?

Anyway, my point is... wait, I know I had one in here somewhere. Oh yeah. Don't believe the bullshit. The universe doesn't love you, god doesn't hate you, there is no conspiracy, life is what you stake a claim to.

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